Thursday, November 5, 2009


This was a week of finding out things for me. I was working on the bodies of the dolls of my mom and dad and putting them together/experimenting with the visual form they would take. Tapered legs? I like the look of them, and it adds that quirkiness or different quality that separates my drawings from my actual sculptures. With the bodies on the dolls, I can see how they fit in space and interact with each other, but I feel that I need to push it more. These are my first dolls, and I have to figure out how attachment is going to be articulated through them. Exciting times.

I also found out, on a more personal note that some important people to me are having health problems--namely my grandparents that I've lived with for the past two summers while I worked my summer job. My grandpa is having lung and heart issues, and he's on oxygen 24/7 now. My grandma went to the doctor and found a lump in her breast, and from the tests they did, they couldn't tell if the abnormal cells were benign or they are going to do a biopsy. So that has been on my mind and will be on my mind until we find out. That with the stress of school has me pretty on edge.

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