Monday, February 8, 2010


Alright. This is a sketch I did of what I want to do with the final form of my IP. I was playing around with a larger size of head that I made and I actually am close to finishing it. The most salient feature of that doll was how it could stand up. I rested its heavy head on the seat of the chair I have in my studio, and it hung there in space, supported by gravity and the weight of its head. I was really interested in this gravity and the visual impact it has.

It says something important about attachment in its heaviness, as if to say "I rely on you". I started sketching, and I came up with these houses which act similarly to the chair in its support, while lending a setting somewhat for my dolls. House, home, reliance, support, and all of the dolls in this family relying on this house shape together. I'm thinking about either building the house shapes out of wood and plexi (for the roof top), or out of all plexi. I really like the texture of wood, and I think it would complement the dolls nicely.

The other head shapes are the people who connect. Solid attachments, bad attachments. I'm exploring the people who have influenced my life and my family's lives and made us who we are. So, that is an update of my thoughts for this project. I'll post a picture of the doll I made soon.

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